Poppins Nursery

Welcome to Poppins Nursery

Poppins Nursery is open Monday to Friday during term time. We offer flexible childcare for children on receipt of the 2YO funding, 15hrs Universal, 30hrs funding, as well as privately funded sessions. 

Children can attend Poppins for a full day or morning/afternoon session with the option to bring a healthy packed lunch. 

Term-time Care
For children aged 2-5 years
Great Staff Team

The care and education offered by Poppins Nursery will enable your child to learn skills, acquire new knowledge and demonstrate their understanding through interesting activities that are appropriate for their age and stage of development following the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) that sets the standards for learning, development and care for children under five.

Our Mission

Poppins mission is to inspire the children in our community to learn, enjoy and feel safe whilst supporting their families in the journey of parenthood and education.

Our Environment

Poppins Nursery offers a warm, secure, nurturing environment where your child will flourish and thrive. 

Our nursery classroom is designed to cater for all the EYFS areas of development offering a free flow session with outdoor play areas and adjacent Woodland Badger’s Walk to promote their physical development.

Working with You

We provide opportunities to involve parents and carers at Poppins throughout the year.  Every term you are invited to join us at coffee mornings, Parent-Teacher Meetings, Singalongs and family events.

Our Team

Our nursery has a team of highly qualified and experienced childcare practitioners.  We work together with you and your child to ensure a happy and rewarding experience. Each child has a keyperson to settle your child, foster their learning and development.

Are you looking for a safe and nurturing environment for your child?

Our nursery offers a great start for children to begin their  educational journey. Register your interest in enrolling your child by clicking the link or give us call on 01962 840022 for more details.

We look forward to welcoming your family to our preschool!